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College Rules & Regulation

  1. The students will have to abide strictly by the rules and regulations of the college that may be framed from time to time by the management. Students are required to maintain absolute self-discipline in the college and any violation of rules will be strictly dealt with.
  2. The students are expected to show proper respect to the faculty, all members of the staff, and the managing authority of the college.
  3. The students must attend 80% of all theory classes including optional subjects as per norms of the NCTE and Affiliating body.
  4. The must-attend all demonstration classes during the course as well as his/her scheduled practice teaching period. He/she is expected to teach any school assigned to him /her by the college.
  5. If a student is absent for more than three consecutive days owing to illness, a medical certificate will be required.
  6. There will be no refund of fees on withdrawal of admission under any circumstances.
  7. Students can make use of the college facilities only after the course commences and only till the course is completed.
  8. The students shall take proper care of college property.
  9. The students will not bring friends, visitors, or relatives to the classroom or practical rooms.
  10. The college Identity Card should be worn during class hours.
  11. The colleges hold the right to introduce or amend any or all the rules from time to time if necessary.
  12. Any legal disputes will be under the jurisdiction of the Siwan Court only.